Couples get so absorbed in planning the perfect wedding, that they fail to acknowledge potential issues that would serve as a strong foundation for their marriage later on. When couples actively think about what their expectations, values, meaning, goals are in their relationship and discuss them before marriage, they limit the amount of time they can possibly take arguing about them later on.
Premarital counseling helps couples better prepare for the demands of marriage and develop conflict resolution skills needed for longevity in their relationship. Within the context of a supportive environment, you will learn to communicate with your spouse more effectively. Our sessions would allow you the chance to explore topics you find difficult to discuss. A greater chance of enjoying a stable as well as satisfying marriage is the fundamental reason I provide Premarital Counseling.
Give your marriage the tools it needs to succeed, contact me today to learn more about how this 8- week Strengthening Premarital Counseling course can help flourish longevity in your relationship and build a healthy foundation for marriage.
*(Also suitable for couples in their first year of marriage)